Monday, May 25, 2009

The Roberts' 5th Anniversary

We hit the fifth big one this year. So we decided we deserved a little get away from our life. We visited San Francisco for a few days without our little shadow!! It was the perfect city getaway for us. We were captured by the eerieness of Alcatraz. We were intrigued with chinatown's fish markets and smells. We were exhausted and sore from walking the ever so steep streets day after day. We were invigorated by the fresh breeze blowing in off the bay. Wow we really fell in love with this city!! The sound of the trolleys going "ding ding" will forever be in our memories.

We couldn't get enough of china town, we really felt as though we were in china.

Life on Alcatraz must have been rough! I hope Martha Stewarts cell was nicer than this one. Alcatraz was sooo beautiful and spookey all at the same time.

We loved the fog and the misty rain!

Now its back the real world of being parents and doing yard work. Somebody did tell us that they would never buy a new home again because of all the work it takes to put in a yard. We didn't listen to them that well.


Marilee said...

Happy Anniversary!! I'm glad to hear that you got to "go away".

Karen said...

Happy anniversary! Your trip looks like fun!